11. The Journey – A Frank Conversation About Plant Medicine

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11. The Journey – A Frank Conversation About Plant Medicine
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Frank Conversation about Plant Medicine.

In my course, I approach meditation with both scientific and spiritual principles so you can make intelligent decisions and know the “why”.
Yes, plant medicine can be life changing, however it’s the discipline and alignment that makes it stick.
There is a spiritual component as well as mechanisms within the body that respond.
The problem with doing any research on them is that most are protected practices and the internet is scant on details. It’s a little like WebMD: “See a doctor” or “there is no evidence”
But just ask anyone who’s done a medicine journey and you will hear fantastic tales of magical experiences.
Plant Medicine is becoming wildly popular in western culture. It’s not new. Just new to US. These practices have been in play for all the history of mankind.

Make Informed Decisions:

My goal is to give you enough information to demystify the process and not be afraid to ask many questions.  Your plant medicine “guide” should have enough expertise on their “medicine” to answer ANY and ALL questions you may have.  It’s “Life changing” is not enough.   These medicines provide an opportunity for a resuurection of the self through an experience likened unto the “dark night of the soul”.  Some of these compounds can be purgative and others soft and subtle.  It is wise to know what these substances do to us both physically, emotionally and spiritually.

We will discuss popular substances that you may come across on your spiritual journey: Sage, Palo Santo, Incense, Tobacco, Psilocybin, Ayahuasca, Peyote, Frog Medicine, THC, DMT, Hape, Sananga, Cacao.  There are so many  more such as Peyote and others that we did not cover, however some of the chemical properties have similar effects. 

My hope is that you will now have enough information to make safe and sane choices and to have the courage to choose for yourself what is right for you.  I am not convinced that one method is braver than another. Abstinence is just as brave in doing the work through discipline, however I feel that it takes a brave soul indeed to take the Hero’s Journey or to “sit” with Kambo or Ayahuasca.  My one request is that you approach these medicines in a sacred manner and lay yourself upon the altar in faith and ceremony and trust the ancestors when you do. Follow all protocols exactly and do your part.  If at any time you feel things are out of alignment, it is perfectly ok to back out.  Don’t fall prey to pressure and don’t feel as if you are missing out or “can’t” do the healing on your own.  Meditation is our most powerful tool and there is infinite wisdom in the body. Trust yourself, in whatever path you choose.

Caminando – Walk With Me.

