9. Meditation in Motion – Static vs. Dynamic Practices

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9. Meditation in Motion – Static vs. Dynamic Practices
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Meditation in Motion – Static vs Dynamic Meditation Techniques.

The body craves stillness, but sometimes it craves movement.  There are kinetic properties to energy that we can embody.  there are as many modalities to meditation in motion as there are for stillness. We will cover the concepts of Yoga as a spiritual practice and delve into terminology and ideas that go back thousands of years.  We will discuss Kundalini, Shakti Dance, Hula and ancient Hawaiian traditions, the Haka, Poi and fire dancing, Hoola Hoop and flow state,  Trance state dancing and group vibes (EDM, Burning Man, Festivals), Tai Chi and martial arts and Cultivating Qi with Qigong as well as

These are just a few of the options available to explore and I hope you are inspired to try one or more! I have played with Yoga and Poi as well as Qigong as well as Tai Chi.  It is so much fun to explore different ways to play with energy, but I hope you dance!

Caminando – walk with me, or maybe let’s dance this time!
