2. The Heart Chakra, Anahata – The Transmutation Machine

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2. The Heart Chakra, Anahata – The Transmutation Machine
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Anahata, The Heart Chakra, The Transmutation Machine

In my course, I refer to the Heart Chakra as the transmutation engine for sustaining permanent effective change.  The heart is our pivot point, the anchor and the machine that fuels all positive movement forward. The Heart balances the lower chakras and activates the upper. It is our inner court, our fountain of life and in this space we discover the Godhead Principle.  In this way the heart becomes the workhorse and does all the heavy lifting as we filter all things through the heart we have a perfectly clear and balanced energy body.  This is the work.

This week we will take a deep dive into the chakra system and focus on the heart as a tool moving forward.  This is the way.

This week we will be focusing on fully calibrating our heart space by looking at “What is Love” and relentlessly embodying Ho’oponopono.  We filter and clear our chakras with Love, but first we must understand what love IS. Our work here is foundational, this is fuel with which we begin to truly LIVE our fullest expression, through authentic living and the power of self love. Once mastered, this becomes a super power. This is activation.

Take your time as you work through the worksheets. This is the beginning of your foundation.  As you do the work here and fully embrace the process, the reward will be in full activation of the Higher Chakras.  Soften and trust yourself, implicitly.

Caminando – Walk With Me!

