What an ALpha Woman Seeks…
This is what we have been searching for in men: strength.
As we go through our balancing of the divine feminine/masculine dynamic within us, women, being somewhat more emotionally intelligent due to the fluctuating hormonal flow we deal with on a daily basis, are aware of this phenomenon. The imbalance in relationships has created an imbalance within the female/male archetypes within us.
Alpha Woman: Because it was required of us,
the masculine action and decisiveness have risen within the feminine naturally, balancing the soft feminine. This has caused us to take more leadership in our lives and in the world.
This same phenomenon is happening with the masculine, but with the opposite qualities. The divine masculine is stretching to include emotions and feelings. No other thing “emasculates” a man more than having to deal with his feelings. As men explore the emotional field, they are collapsing inward.
To us, strength is expected.
As the masculine dissolves into their feminine feelings, they drop into a beta position in our psyche, causing a loss of respect and interest.
We are witnessing the collapse of the patriarchy, and nature abhors a void. Within this new paradigm, feminine leadership is required more than ever. Who will teach them emotional intelligence if it is not present in their lives?
In order for the masculine to rise, they must also balance the feminine.
As we witness this mass awakening, we will begin to see men finally dealing with their emotional side. We want our men to be emotionally savvy, yet as we watch them crumble under the weight of it, we must have some empathy. Shadow work is required of all of us, and this is the era of becoming. As we embody our emotions, less and less is being hidden.
The gift of empathy is activated within the human genome, along with psychic gifts.
As intuition grows, sentience deepens, and bigger questions arise. This deepening of the human psyche opens us to new experiences, asking the deeper meaning of human connection. Relationships will get deeper and more meaningful.
Just as we have explored what we want for ourselves as a mother, wife, daughter, WOMAN… men are in this same flux. Because we have gone through this shift first, we have become the leaders in emotional intelligence, and duty now lies with us to set the grid. In New Earth, openness and honesty are required. As men begin to explore their emotions, they will shift rapidly. As soon as they reconnect their brain with their heart, they will realize how to shift. There IS a logic to emotions. Once they figure out that there is a science to it, we will begin to see a marked rise in masculine interest in spirituality.
As natural empaths, women have explored where in the body emotions are stored. We are fluid with our emotional state, knowing that, like weather, emotions pass. Men, becoming empaths in this natural evolution of humankind, are now discovering empathy. “I feel what you feel.” For some, this is a five-alarm fire as they become fully conflagrated in their emotions and engulfed completely as their emotions take over.
It is hard not to lose respect for them as, in our expectations, we demand of our masculine strength. When they have an emotional breakdown and melt under the abject volume of suppressed emotions, we pity them and wonder why they can’t just get their shit together. We need our men and their strength!
This is what WE need from THEM.
Ironically, in balancing our feminine, it has demanded that our masculine rise. As balanced beings, we have no need of any other influence, and this is causing that collapse in the masculine. They don’t feel “needed.” A requirement of the masculine is to serve and have meaning. As this comes up for them, they turn inward, just as the absence of the masculine within our lives caused us to rise and take action.
As the masculine seeks, it is forced to go inward, just as the feminine has had to seek outward.
At this time, the masculine needs the feminine. They require examples of emotional intelligence and leadership. The masculine desperately needs our feminine qualities of grace, acceptance, love, forgiveness, compassion, connection, and healing. This is the very last step on our path to ascension. This is the era of the Divine Feminine. Bravely facing our emotions is the most courageous thing we can ever do. There is no more hiding our feelings. We demand nothing less than complete and utter vulnerability in our relationships.
In modern dating, the hookup culture has robbed us of the notion of “love making.” Turning it into a physical transaction, we have essentially bankrupted the experience. This is what we are all craving. We thought removing emotions from the act (“don’t catch feelings”) would return a sense of control in our dealings with one another, but instead, it has caused a rampant increase in attachment to minor encounters. We most definitely imprint with our lovers, regardless of whether we want to or not. Due to this, we are picking from a physical perspective, causing soul ties with qualities that are not optimal for our spiritual development.
@karmaondeck Notice the book on the table. I get to fall in love with my girl @Hollie Hope with her brilliant mind all over again. inspiration for Concept Concept Mining after Journaling the incoming collective shifts happening. if you’re feeling your EMPATHY and PSYCHICH GIFTS increasing, that Crown Chakra Activation is coming in 🔥 #feeling #nlp #shifting #goodkarma #love #fyp #coach #lifecoach #mentor #karma #karmaondeck #shaman #medicine #woman #brain #train #spiritual #spirituality #philosophy #science #alchemist #magic #gold #chakra #crown #divinefeminine #at play.
What is the answer? The answer for the masculine remains the feminine. What is required for this balancing to occur within the masculine is the feminine qualities of compassion. Although our needs remain the same as women, what is necessary is that we open our heart to vulnerability and shift to acceptance. The masculine is losing their mind as they become accustomed to emotions riding full-fledged through their body.
Hold space; teach them the way.
This New Earth will require every ounce of our intention to create. This New Earth we are creating will have new paradigms in relationships, and as we see the collapse of traditional expectations, it will be necessary to create new ones. We must come to know ourselves so completely that we know what to ask for.
As the masculine explores their trauma, we will see them at their perceived weakest. Being weak to a man is like kryptonite, and they feel very exposed and not themselves. This is where we must teach them that this is the greatest strength of all.
In this, the masculine is seeking US.
Leadership is required. As women, we have a stewardship to foster the emotional landscape. It is up to us to write this new map. We have the experience, knowledge, and understanding of how to navigate feelings. Being in our feminine is what is needed from us. Let us show them the way. Divine Feminine Activation