PORTAL ACTIVATION: I’m A Hope Dealer Today! – Instreaming Light Codes, Lions Gate Energy Report

Metatrons Cube
Portal Activation is not just for one day!
New Heaven and New Earth Instreaming Light Codes are still rolling in! August 8th may have been the Activation of the Lions’ Gate Portal, however we get to enjoy the instreamings through to the end of the month!
I have to take a moment to type this out. The visions are coming so fast and clear now that I barely have time to write them down, though I know I should. There’s something about sitting with a vision as it crystallizes, activating the archetype it represents.
Regardless, I feel compelled to speak. There’s an undeniable taste in the air, and I am ecstatic about it.
Once upon a time, my youth and young adulthood were plagued by visions of a coming apocalypse. It led me to attempt to live off-grid and have my children at home. I was a borderline conspiracy theorist and a basic fundamentalist.
That Four Horsemen feeling of fear that had ridden me for so long disappeared in 2012. It felt like breathing warm spring air after being trapped inside all winter. The visions became inaccessible to me—I couldn’t even recall the memory line. However, I can distinctly remember the tone and quality of those dreams. As a matter of fact, I can point to the exact scene in The Hunger Games where they bombed the district, and Katniss stood upon the bones, taking it all in. It was so real and visceral to me that I felt the grit of cement between my teeth and the taste of ash on my tongue. That scene from the movie “reminded” me. Like a memory of a dream now gone.
I don’t remember when I realized the visions had gone, but I clearly recall what replaced them:
Activate New Heaven, New Earth!
It took me some time to truly feel it. I spent many confused and clueless years hunting in my spirituality for something to fill the hole in my heart and ease the pain. I tried many things until I fell into a solid meditative practice that changed my life.
My anxiety and insomnia plagued me like relentless jockeys. I felt whipped, drained, emotionally bankrupt, and exhausted. In my desperation, I began to meditate as if my life depended on it. After all, what else can one do when the world’s instabilitty and emotional weight punch you in the gut again and again?
The Pursuit of Spirituality:
In my stumbling attempts, I managed to find my way. I studied everything I could get my hands on regarding the chakra system and the energy body. Various various sytems and meditation techniques and many hours of study took up the bulk of my time as I filtered what was useful from what seemed like pure fluff. It was fun exploring Ho’oponopono, tantra, mantras, ohms, mudras, sacred sound, plant medicine, yoga, chi gong, literally anything I could try on my own. I exhausted myself in the pursuit. Figuiring I had nothing to lose and that I had done worse things for less reason in the past. Why not give it all I’ve got?
I had not expected the rewards to be so rich. My lower chakras balanced. Being-ness and conscious intent became the focus of my actions. Self-love blossomed, and my nervous system relaxed. Sleep became restful, and energy returned like a tsunami.
@karmaondeck #fypage #healing #water #floating #sound #bath #tibetan #singing #crystal #lightcodes #angel
With these gifts came activation after activation within my body. My 3D human body began to change, as did my general attitude and perception. I fell in love with life and with myself. In this falling, life began to fall in love with me!
I magnetized, and reality literally shifted before my eyes. The visions that once haunted me were replaced with indescribable beauty and promise. It’s difficult to put into words because the message is delivered through feeling. I have visions of Harmony, Beauty, Ingenuity, Joy, Innocence, and bright white Love. Yes, LOVE! Light IS Love!
The more I explore with meditation and discover new and interesting ways to seek light, the more pathways open before and around me. I wish I could show you! Peace is an alien concept to humans on this planet. We are restless and in pain. It’s difficult to be a hope dealer when you are in the churn of suffering. The pain is so visceral and embodied that we cannot escape it.
@karmaondeck Contemplate: Poetry. A tiptoe across a thin sheet of emotion #poetry Jam Stranger in a Strange Land: Behind these Eyes. #poetry #flow #Solstice #soul #jam #fypage #oracle #prophecy #Aquarius #dawn #DNA #transmute
Having felt like a stranger in a strange land for most of my life, it’s exciting to see practitioners of sacred medicine popping up and taking the call. This energy is like a positive virus, where positivity and heart-centered action take front and center. The rise in popularity of spirituality, what I like to call “spiritual materialism,” doesn’t concern me as much as it does others. From my perspective, if you work it, it works you. The medicine is calling, and people are biting the apple.
The internet is a perfect example of what is happening on the Spiritual Plane. “As within, so without.” The technological revolution is merely more evidence of what we are capable of within the realm and galaxy of our own beingness and within our own bodies. We are at a quantum level of change, and we are only a breath away. Literally. (Breathe in!! Taste it!!) It is THAT CLOSE!
It is relentless, bottomless, endlessly deep. This incoming New Earth Energy is bright, pure, and AVAILABLE. There is nothing you must do to receive it.
The good news is, there is nothing more we must do. Just take it in! It is there and available! The eternal spring has sprung!
I can feel it. I can taste it! It is more real to me than anything currently in front of my physical body. It may sound unbelievable, but I’ve heard worse spiritual advice. There is a flavor, a scent, a feeling in the air if you simply look for it. New Earth is just a breath away, like stepping through a door or opening your eyes. Trust in this incoming Light! It’s whispering to us the promise of what’s to come.
Manipura – The Solar Plexus, the Resplendent Gem:
The new way of communicating will be through the Solar Plexus. We are approaching TRUE character. The shining stars onboarding will live with hearts wide open through the Resplendent Gem of the Manipura, the Solar Plexus. Our belly is wired for FEELING! Lean into your “gut” feelings. Trust your emotions IMPLICITLY. Coax your intuition into play.
Manipura’s statement is “I do”; however, I reframe that into “I BE!” Authenticity vibrates at 400 times that of HEART. What this tells us is to activate the heart and live a life OUT LOUD.
The passion, vibrancy, and dripping honey era of New Eden has been birthed. Watch for the evidence! I can see it, and I know I’m not the only one! This Lion’s Gate Portal is clean, pristine, pure, vibrant, and FULL OF LIGHT! Be the mustard seed. It only requires the tiniest of faith. Seek it!
Gene Keys:
Explore this concept in more depth about this concept in the Gene Keys! You’ll learn more about how the new evolving Human (Homo Sanctus) processes information, the activations in our DNA currently underway and a behavior matrix to asist you on your ascension journey!
@karmaondeck #genekeys #activated #new #earth #happybirthday #1111 #727 #alchemy #archetypes #magic #DNA #programming #oracle #psychic #newearth #paradigm #shiftingrealities
The Portal is OPEN!
Enter through the Lions Gate of the Open Heart.
If you work it, it works YOU!
I encourage you to grab hold of this Lion’s Gate portal while it is still active through the 24th. If you are watching chaos descend around you, remember that there is always a break DOWN before a BREAK-THROUGH! Ask yourself: What does a dying thing do?
We are witnessing the dying throes of a lost society. Trumpets are calling in the light, and it is all around us. There are signs of Archangel Activation everywhere. Their one job is to
Today I am a HOPE DEALER! Take a deep breath and take it all in! Let’s go make some waves!
I’ll catch you on the flip side!
@karmaondeck The Drum is Calling #drumcall #fyp #medicine #magic #healing #masterofceremony #mc #goat #missinglink
Caminando – Walk with me!
- Karma