Solstice Poetry Jam – “Stranger in a Strange Land”:

As I was going through my old poetry of angst, love and flowers, I found myself thinking….if I were to be heard, what would I want to say?  My voice has changed over the years and so has my purpose. Words are spells and in true honor of the Solstice I wrote something new… perhaps a proclamation.  I couldn’t decide if I wanted a little Maya Angelou Still I Rise or some Prophecy of the Hopi Elders.  Join me as I was poetic.  You will find me ecclectic and edty, as per usual.  I just let it flow.

Solstice Poetry Jam with Health Integrated

In my quirky way, I know I look like a whole conundrum and people wonder what to thinik of me.  I had never met these people.  In honor of that and in true respect for the Solstice I wrote something new.  Enjoy!

Poetry in my own Quirky Style

Karma in Motion! Of course someone had to catch a candid.

Here’s the video on TikTok and this is what I was saying:


Contemplate: Poetry. A tiptoe across a thin sheet of emotion #poetry Jam Stranger in a Strange Land: Behind these Eyes. #poetry #flow #Solstice #soul #jam #fypage #oracle #prophecy #Aquarius #dawn #DNA #transmute

♬ Viking Music: Odin, Hear Our Call – Pawl D Beats


Behind These Eyes:

Hiraeth – A longing for a land I’ve never been, 

Something I remember

That I can feel but cannot see

In this world how do I see a “Me”?

I am a stranger in a strange land

I walk like a specter amongst people 

I barely understand.

I am always late for the train

Wistfully falling in love with the rain

Wanderer, walker, stranger in a strange land

Time blithely slipping through my hand

Poetry Jam Night St George

Host: Health Integrated

As I watch and ponder, I wander.

(Stranger in a strange land)

Something other

Behind these eyes…

Lives the memories of a dozen lives

The Mind of a philosopher 

in a McDonald’s world

The internet, a wasteland of insults hurled

Poetry Jam Group Photo and impromptu solstice with local women and practitioners

Poetry Jam Participants

Where’s my magic, mystery schools and temples?

World Star, Tiktok, Google and CNN keep us all so simple.

Living the life of a mystic…

Flowing, intuitive, artistic,

In a Barbi world with an  AI critic.


Either, Neither, Both.

I am the Element Ether

A little behind, A little ahead….Sometimes I can’t make it make sense in my head.

Where do we put the Seer, the Oracle, the Healer?

Behind the used car dealer?

Where do they find the medicine?

For there truly is no comparison.

The jungle comes to us and we bottle it up just the same.

Spirituality is just another marketing game.

Stranger in a strange land 

It’s no wonder I am so hard to understand

Stranger in a strange land.

Behind these eyes lies a poet, A singer, An Artist, A mother, A lover.

I’m A psychic, a philosopher, an empath and healer.

The heart of  A priestess from distant shores

With memories of ancient lore

Behind these eyes is a Seer

Who’s waited all her life for this

This right here

This now…

For though I’ve been a stranger in a strange land

There’s been those who have risen 

to take my hand

Those who can see through the Illusion, cut through the Confusion

And see the Vision of the dawning of 

The Age of Aquarius.

Consciousness is upon us as we all rise as one

The same math doesn’t work any more as we try to get things done

Science is confounded, looking harder still

Finding out the most mighty thing in the universe is

The power of Human Will

Transcendence is upon us

And nature gives us a hand

As Gaia calls us ALLLLL back to the land.

The medicine is calling

And I find myself falling

Deeper and deeper in love

A stranger no longer…

Together we are stronger.

I don’t wander alone

I have found my home.

As the world is changing nd As you listen to all the blaming…

Ask yourself:

What does a dying thing do?

It will call out to you.

Don’t listen to the noise, 

Don’t listen to the hype

It is OUR time that is Ripe.

The Dawn is rich and pure with Light

I Am your Savage Daughter, Renaissance Priestess

(Crowned Empress Ascended High Priestess)

I vow…

To resurrect passion for life

Within life

To bring back old ways, In new ways

Wildly living a life of magic


The time of Ascension is upon us

I shall act accordingly 

With my head held proud

Proclaiming that all things shall be done in a sacred manner

To embrace both the Light and the Dark 

with Honor

To succor and sow Peace

I will astonish this mean version of the world with my softness

With heart breaking authenticity

I walk in Holy ways.

Stranger in a strange land no longer.

Everything is up to me

Everything is up to YOU

With light and love 

Everything is possible

Karma On Deck

Karma on Deck! poetry

For if I leave you with anything

If I leave you with just one

It is that WE are one